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Is there anyone out there not familiar with Dr. Glaucomflecken? The fictional character created by Will Flanary, a practicing ophthalmologist, has entertained many on social media. If you are not aware of him, you should be! Dr. Glaucomflecken’s laugh-out-loud satirical short videos on medicine resonate with all physicians and others in the healthcare industry. 

Dr. Flanary’s recent attacks on social media of private equity, insurance companies, and non-competes have got us thinking…. There is more to Dr. Glaucomflecken (or Dr. Flanary) than just funny videos; there is a man prepared to be our next president.

Past presidents have included actors like Ronald Reagan and a reality star like Donald Trump, but there has never been a physician in the oval office… So why not Dr. Glaucomflecken?

Let’s face it, people; what will be our options in 2024? Celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey, Will Ferrell, Alec Baldwin, Kayne West, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are considering presidential runs…. Come on! Why not Dr. Glaucomflecken?

It’s time for us to consider Dr. Glaucomflecken for President. Here is a list of the top 10 qualities one must have to be commander in chief and how Dr. Glaucomflecken has the makeup to be our next POTUS.

#10. Leadership. Dr. Glaucomflecken is recognized as the funniest doctor on social media. The man knows how to lead. The dude has got a following; 2.1 million TikTok followers, 900,000 YouTube subscribers, and another 700,000 followers on Twitter. If he can lead his followers, he can lead this country.

#9. Communication skills. Not only can Dr. Glaucomflecken produce funny videos, but he is also a great speaker. In 2022 he was the commencement speaker at Yale’s medical school and brought down the house as keynote speaker at the ACEP annual conference, a standing-room-only event. The man is ready for prime time! He is prepared to deliver his first State of the Union address. 

#8. Judgment and Decision-making. Dr. G is an eyeball doctor… What is more complex than the eyeball? Every day he must decide to keep the eyeball or remove it. Those difficult decisions have prepared him well to make decisive decisions for this country.

#7. Integrity and honesty. Dr. Glaucomflecken is a 2-time testicular cancer survivor, with his first bout in medical school and second in residency. He might be without balls, but he is clearly someone we can trust.

#6. Political skills. Dr. Glaucomflecken understands the importance of global politics. He has been recognized in international journals and news outlets for his medical humor. Working on relationships with our alleys, Dr. Gluacomflecken took his comedy act to Australia in 2022. He will continue to spread America’s good cheer through his comedy.  

#5. Knowledge and Expertise. Dr. Glaucomflecken already understands healthcare; what else is there to know? Healthcare is 20% of our GDP; who better to be president than a physician? Dr. Glaucomflecken’s vast understanding of healthcare will help to save our country’s healthcare system.

#4. Emotional Intelligence. Dr. Glaucomflecken raises money for the charity First Descent, which allows children with cancer to experience the outdoors. He’s got a big heart and is relatable as a person, physician, and soon-to-be President.

#3. Flexibility and Adaptability. Dr. Glaucomflecken has excelled in his online career at recognizing how physicians of different specialties work together. His acting ability to portray different stereotypes in medicine will position him well to handle the many personalities that exist in congress.

#2. Respect for the rule of law and the democratic process. Dr. Glaucomflececken is a doctor and HIPPA certified. He knows the laws! And he would never talk about another patient’s eyeballs in the press briefing room.

And Finally…

#1. Great 1st lady. In 2020, Dr. Glaucomflecken had a sudden cardiac arrest, and his wife, known as Lady G on their podcast, saved his life by administering CPR for 10 minutes until the paramedics arrived. We have had Melania, Michelle, Laura, and Hillary, and none have saved a life like our future first lady. Lady G for First Lady!

It’s time for this country to be led by a doctor, one we can all get behind. Dr. Glaucomflecken is our man! Let’s see to it that our next President is one of us. Get out the yard signs and mark them up, “Dr. G for President.”

Hey Dr. G, if things don’t work out and you don’t become president, please keep making entertaining videos and calling for a change in healthcare.  Thanks for being the social influencer we need in medicine. 

-Doctor bros and Doctora bros approve this message.

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